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Factors to Consider When Selecting a Shower Door

  • Shower and Bathtub: The kind of bath and/or shower area you have factors into which shower door is best for you. If you have a tub and shower combo, for example, a sliding glass door might be best.
  • Glass Transparency: Do you want a transparent door, or an opaque one? If you have tilework you would like to show off, you may prefer a transparent door.
  • Space Allowance: Smaller rooms are better suited to sliding glass doors, but if you have extra space, you might prefer a pivot door that opens outward.

Features of Custom Glass Shower Doors

Because we are custom designing your glass shower doors, Baker Glass has a variety of features and styles available, including frameless glass doors. Showcase your shower’s design with clear glass shower enclosures and frameless glass shower doors. Frosted glass adds privacy. For even more creativity, we offer pattern and texture glass. A few available features are:

Door Style

Sliding glass doors are better when space is limited, while pivot doors are more luxurious if you have the space for them. The appearance and function of your new shower door will depend on the type of door you select.

Framed vs. Frameless

Framed glass shower doors are more traditional, and have a frame on all four sides of the operating door. Frameless doors are more modern, and do not have any of the framing of a traditional shower door that obstruct your view, making your bathroom appear larger.

Additional Accessories

There are many styles and glass finishes to choose from.

Before & After Result of Custom Glass Shower Enclosures Installation

Custom Glass Door Installation

Our team at Baker Glass is equipped with the latest tools and technology to keep us at the forefront of innovation. We will ensure that your glass shower replacement or installation is done with precision and care. You can count on us to be knowledgeable, friendly, and to provide fast and reliable service.



Contact Baker Glass for Glass Services in Jacksonville

For more information about the benefits of adding custom glass shower enclosures, contact Baker Glass, Inc. today. Our experienced glass technicians can help you decide what is perfect for both your bathroom and your budget. Fill out our convenient contact form to request a free estimate on all residential glass services.



Contact Baker Glass Today for Quality, Reliable, Glass Services in Northeast Florida