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The Window Glass and Auto Windshield Repair Experts

Baker Glass, Inc. has been serving residential and commercial customers since 1993 with expert window glass replacement and mobile windshield replacement.

Did you know that today’s auto glass comes embedded with a lot of technology – night vision assistance, danger sensors and more? That means auto glass repair and auto glass replacement should be left to experts. Baker Glass Inc. is a preferred vendor of auto glass in Northeast Florida, by most insurance companies. The best part? We come to you! Call today to find out more about professional auto glass repair and auto glass replacement and find out more in our blog.

Double-pane – or insulated – windows are a great investment. They keep your home comfortable and help you save money on energy bills. Sometimes, though, they fail, which leads to fogged glass you can never get clean, no matter how hard you try. Read our blog to find out what causes fogged windows, then call Baker Glass Inc. for a free estimate on fogged window replacement.

Commercial Staircase Glass installation in Jacksonville, FL

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